Things to think about when you’re deciding whether or not to read an author you find out sucks
The importance of community
Trigger this whole sub, I'll start.
Is my sisters name a tradeigh?
How Would They Handle A Fistfight?
Which Album?
What in your opinion is the most underrated queen song
What is the best quote from the Fourth Doctor?
Not a tragedeigh but an uncommon name
Idea for a scene for an episode (if it hasn’t happened yet)
What TV show would you rate 10/10 that has fewer than 50 episodes ?
I have fallen victim to the weirdest crime
According to your votes, The Daleks are just straight up evil! Now, which character from any era has no screen time, but all the plot relevance?
The Twelfth Doctor is “Mmm… Society”, according to you. Now, which character from any era is “Just straight up evil.”
What is your 'since we are all going to drown' confession about Doctor Who?
Which Modern Who Companion Had The Worst Fate?
In hindsight, was 3 millions years too long?
“Do you admit that violin is harder than trumpet”
Is this safe to use?
My sister insists my car is purple
who is the greatest television villain of all time?
Have you ever bitten into a scotch finger biscuit without snapping it first?
AITA for saying no to most of my wife's baby name suggestions?