I asked about legitimate concerns of Shia community in Lebanon and these are the answers that I got from other Lebanese
Israeli violations vs Shia Population
It’s been 5 years and I still hate wearing the hijab
A little white girl just asked me if I’m a boy or girl. Ouch 😭🤣
Oil roots but dry ends. What do I use?
If I accept an offer at one medical school, am i automatically kicked off the waitlist at my other schools?
Looking for an online Lebanese, Arabic Tutor
MSUCOM interview - complete
Does non waterproof make up invalidate wudu?
Flair Thread - Please comment on this thread to get a flair
Took me about 3/4 weeks to get my secondaries in. Realistically, how much does this reduce my chances of getting accepted?
What happens if I don’t reach the 2 week MD secondaries deadline?
Best English speaker for 10th
Any consequence to leaving Scribe America early?
In the Middle East for the next month 1/2, and AMCAS is not opening up for me to work on secondaries! Has this happened to anyone before or does anyone have recommendations on how to fix this?
5/18 Testers want to make a group chat???
Can I say joining my university competitive tennis club as intercollegiate athlete on activities section? We did verse different universities in and out state
Should i mention an experience in the work/activity section on which i left on bad terms?
I have a LOR from someone on the admissions committee for a specific DO school, am I able to send it just to that one DO school or would it go to all the DO schools I am applying to
Should I apply to medical school with a P for orgo 2.
Post 5/18 Thread
AAMC FL 4 B/B #31
UGHHH!! Getting 128 /130 on each section, but 122 in CARS, how does that even make sense?!!!!