Almost lost an anole today 😫
This shit is rigged and you can’t tell me it’s not. Shame on you Scopely
does anyone else’s store put wrapped cans on the shelf?
What happend in s2 e24
good fucking riddance
My husband's Trump obsession has turned our home into a MAGA shrine and I'm losing my mind
If you were the wealthiest person in the world, what would you still not buy?
The writers everytime Wilson appears on the screen.
Another pointless opinion
What is something that is actually more traumatizing than most people realize?
Biggest non-scale victories?
your username is how you'd die, how you'd die?
Do you shower in the morning or when you go to sleep? And why?
'Food Noise' is a terrible name for what people with obesity deal with
Just a warning to avoid this one.
Who is your least favourite character and why?
Most "over acted" characters
Having trouble getting to zero
You're given a million of whatever you last googled. What is it?
Customer Experience Lead
Whats the hottest thing your partner does unconsciously?
Why would you invite somebody as a partner in an event and then do literally nothing???
Has anyone heard if PetSmart will be rolling back their DEI programs in the US?