50501 Protest
Special muzzle device?
Scoped Single Shot Shotgun used by a security guard in India
i'll just drop this one here. thanks CT! love my blue state.
A compact .22 disguised as a bat?😏
Glock that uses beretta magazines
Chassis sucked me dry. Settling for a Razor Gen 2
A strong argument for the safety of universal suppressor ownership and usage
Found a Saturn Racecar on FB Marketplace
MMW: 47 will invade a friendly country under the pretence of ‘national security’ as to have an excuse to postpone the 2028 election due to it being ‘wartime’.
Last night a Tesla showroom in The Hague was defaced with swastikas and anti-fascist messages
Not technically a sticker, but definitely belongs here 😭
Enough said
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. State of Mind
The GAP between your MCX or MCX LT is in fact, within tolerance. (Confirmed by Sig). How you can be affected by suppressing this host.
Am I overreacting by considering leaving the U.S. due to the current administration?
Think this belongs here
Wanna Form 1 this lower I built. Does it need to be engraved? The owner of a local gun store says no.
Gun to your head: hux wurx or a different option?
Just bought these on tiktok and plan to put them on groceries especially produce that is going to skyrocket now that migrant workers haven't shown up in a week
Until one day you wake up and notice somehow you're the grown-up now.
Was Joe Biden a good president?
Look at all that flavor