Me and Agent Don Self (2002)
What song would you want playing in your head for the rest of your life to get you through the difficult days?
Fallout Hot Takes You Have
In a rather landslide decision, the best Knuckles is Movie Knuckles. Now, who's the best Amy?
Favourite starfighter in the galaxy?
Does Walter Jr have a purpose in the show?
Why did Juan Bolsa say Gus Fring will never be "one of us"?
Simpsons quotes that you use regularly or even daily, whether in real life or online? I myself am forever saying to downvoters that they’re free to do so but would they mind explaining why?
What movie made you say, "Holy shit there is still an hour left"?
If Rick Prime and C-137 are the only two Ricks that discovered Interdimensional travel, is it possible that C-137 would be able to build ‘The Omega Device’ too?
If there was any episode you could reasonably call a “standard” episode of Rick and Morty, which one would it be?
Am I the only one who doesn't find most of the jokes in this fanbase all that funny?
This is why Nintendo doesn't make Starfox games anymore.
It will always be amazing to me that one of the best episodes of TV ever to air, cut the viewership of the series in half.
Who do y'all think is the most attractive character in the BB universe? Both male and female
How do you think your Lone Wanderer, Courier, and Sole Survivor characters would feel about each other or have met?
im super fuckin sad.
What would Tywin do?
c137 and prime
Saddest moments on the show...I'll start....
What is your not a fan of the godfather moment for the far cry series?
What is your opinion on the End of time story ?
Rick was right about cloning and not wanting to know which is which
Did anyone else find this episode very disturbing and depressing?
It might piss off some fan girls but I think Shane has some great titties