Questions about a big passive skill tree node
Dual wielding or 2-H W + Shield?
Gums bleeding in one specific spot after flossing
So is there really a price for this, I forgot that I had it
Looking for an active noob-friendly PvP community
Best steroid nasal spray?
Fuck friends with kids
I’m such an idiot…
Are these pinprick red dots petechiae?
I'm officially broke today, with only 3$ left in my bank account
I have glorious dreams of Diablo
Asked the other day what base to put my first single player grief in….well this is what happened!! LFG
Just got some great luck
Noob-friendly active D2R PvP community
Entrepreneur community in Hong Kong
Where do I find friends in the startup/tech/entrepreneurial space in Hong Kong?
Association of Childfree People
Can child free MEN please speak up!?!
Frequent burping after taking 3 days of antibiotics
Looking for groups that will take in beginners
A quick explanation on soldier reload cancels
Do they look like folloculitis, the inflammation of follicles?
Long-Covid brain fog - It doesn’t go away - new study published
Looking to make connections w like people…anyone out there?