Exosuit go brrr
Advice on beating Rom the Vacuous Spider?
Good news! - PS5 - Water disappearing bug should be fixed with the next patch…
Water still vanishing PS5😂
This guy is so cute fr. Can i see y'all's companion?
How did you find out that I was strong?
A worm jumped over the moon
Weekly Bug Report Thread
I died more to these guys than I did Orphan of Kos
The new update has made my Homeworld even more beautiful 😍
My new favourite fishing spot
A few shots from today's adventures
Of course it Heals...
I beat mist noble in 10 seconds ? (First play through) I am really confused is there two nobles?
Which is Scarier? Remake Necromorph or OG
Yellow exotic
A Class interceptor
Planet full of gigantic scary beasties
White Exotic
This is the very short story of how I became a pile of faecium
The new fauna is WILD.
Love these creatures
Found my first Gas giant Euclid, they're crazy!
And there's still more to be found
Planet dries out instantly