You Should Be Playing $30 Value Vintage!
What are your favorite cards to play in the 99?
SCG Columbus $30 Budget Vintage 1K (79 Player Turnout!!!)
Multiple identical packs in Foundations pre-release kit.
Value Vintage 1K At SCG Columbus
Solutions to Horny Bard players?
The Best Format You're Still Not Playing Is $30 Budget Vintage.
For those disappointed with the current state of MTG, are there any other formats or other TCGs you are playing?
What is your magic hot take?
[BLC] Elspeth, Sun's Champion (Imagine: Courageous Critters) ("Family Matters" Precon) (TCGplayer)
The best format that you're not playing is $30 Vintage.
What’s Your EDH “Bad Habit?”
If you had to choose one beer to drink for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Ravnica Remastered card stock quality.
Cincy Hockey is for Everyone
New to mono blue, please help
Bi-Cycle and Tango Lands
[WOE] Harried Spearguard - @Zapgaze
Best meat shop downtown/NKY?
I'm a Nahiri apologist, she has done nothing wrong.
Why don’t you play cEDH?
Hofbräuhaus In Newport
What’s your Favorite Deck?
Hot Take: Tutoring for combo pieces is boring.