I’m starting the process to immigrate to the UK soon and I don’t know how to tell my family.
Do you ever crave a specific food in the middle of the night that you don’t have but can’t order it because you’re trying to make good financial decisions? If so, what food is it?
People from the UK, what is something people should know before immigrating?
People from the UK, what is a fact I should know before immigrating?
Pro lifers, how do you feel about paper abortions?
What made you realize you’re with an idiot?
What is the cruelest trend you have ever seen?
Trump supporters, how do you feel about the beginning of his second term so far?
What is scaring you the most about the current state of the world?
What show was great at first but declined so much you couldn’t finish it?
If you had to fight your evil clone in a grocery store, which aisle would you choose for maximum advantage?
What is the cringiest moment from a TV show or movie?
How did your life change in an instant?
If you could go back and live in any point of history, what era would you want to live in?
What is a fandom you left because the people in it were toxic?
What is an embarrassing moment that still haunts you to this day?
Former Trump supporters, what made you stop supporting him?
Trump supporters, what has he done that you don’t agree with?
What made you decide to propose?
What is a common debate that you just think is stupid?
What are you most proud of?
What is a lesson you learned the hard way?
What is something interesting you found while looking through your family tree?
What is a food that is really good but not many people are willing to try it?
What made you finally end a long term relationship?