XML is bannable
Are Ollie and Meeple the least popular new brawlers we’ve had in a long time?
Happy Birthday, Dad
Encontrei um armadeira na minha varanda.
Pal breeding order
Not just Lucky
Buzz lightyear public execution tomorrow!!!
Quem os Norte-Americanos acreditam ser o maior fornecedor de Petróleo dos EUA: Percepção vs. Realidade
Explaining why Libertad is busted (what even is this narrative that Libertad is only slightly above average in strength?)
Brasil em 2026: Como Elon Musk, ciberataques e o X (Twitter) podem ameaçar as eleições presidenciais
Lula orienta bancada do PT a enfrentar bolsonarismo até 2026: 'Nada de paz e amor'
Needed a break from the monotony of hatching eggs for a while. This was supposed to be one base.
I love Reptyre
Some smol pals I tried drawing from memory.
Got a pair of these bad bois. One has brutal, the other has Musclehead. Would a child with both be good?
The most and least picked brawlers of January 2025!
A Santa Ceia do carioca...
Dude so big he crafts from a floor down
Moro no Japão e nunca achei que sentiria falta disso mas...
Championship Challenge Should Be in Draft format (similar to ranked above diamond)
Em meio a uma onda global de perseguição às pessoas trans, o Congresso ilumina com as cores do Orgulho Trans
Just spinning
Who is your top three?
Intensidade de comércio entre países geopoliticamente distantes. O Brasil é o maior ao centro.
Não aguento mais ouvir a galera da medicina reclamar