I'm always writing paragraphs
Can you play Senna ADC this patch?
Weekly Adventures/Nightmares Discussion Post
Monthly Adventures Discussion - February 2025
Does anyone experience constant hypersomnia throughout their life?
After maining her for 5 years... Fuck Rell. I'm a Yuumi main now.
How do I tell my family to express their emotions more or care more about me?
What speed do you most often play the game at?
Why is everything so awkward?
How do you come to terms with the fact that most people do not deserve your help?
I tried to clean and I made it all worse. Now I have no energy and I can't escape the clutter
Atlantean Orianna by Emanuel Ortiz 🌊
How do you people cope with the fact that you were always primed to fail in life
Do you guys learn A-click?
engage in bronze?
What's it like doing everything "manually"?
Is Kayle only playable with p2w relics?
Which shadow isles champion is better vs Yasuo?
Frostbite is some bullshit (Rant)
Anyone Else Cancelling Their Amazon Prime?
How did you guys meet your significant other?
I have never understood self-esteem. Is this autism-related?
Some custom relics and items for Under-represented playstyles and potential champion relic for Sett if he gets a constellation.