Anybody else pronouncing Jod with a long o? [general]
Default Durge is awesome but do yourself the favor and customize a dragonborn ONCE!
headcanon for why Durge was able to /chose to be good ?
Male companions VS Female companions, Who wins in a fight?
What your favorite companion says about you
Everyone has suffered through this..
Other games have been ruined for me.
Unpopular Opinion: Mystra Isn't as Evil and Abusive Towards Gale as People Make her Seem
[misc] I want to pick up this series, but have a romance question!
Would freeing Orpheus be the right thing if you wanted to do the right and good thing?
My wife's... interesting strategy
There is absolutely no way we’re getting beaten by League players of all people.
What was the worst way your Honour run ended?
Is Bae'zel Green or Yellow?
I'm proud of this
Wanna try a Lae’zel romance, unsure on race choice.
If Celestial Warlock were an option, I would totally make "Raphael Warlock"
Which Origin Character is the most fun to play as?
What makes Shadowheart so popular?
How to make sure Karlach is okay with [end spoiler]
Would Eilistraee listen to White Girl/K-pop music?
Oathbreaker Knight scammed me out of 1k gold
I feel crazy
Ice Sorcerer Build
My redeem dark urge drow 🥰