How the fuck can anyone survive nursing???
I want a background check on YOU
How many of you have actually seen a doctor perform CPR?
Day 13 of Trying To Get a Comment From Every US County!
19 year old jumped on a grizzly bear that was attacking his friend
AIO - please tell me I’m trippin… I think my husband wants to eat me?
What is your floor's rule with drinks?
Another seat squatter
1099 contracting and your own LLC
ID this?
Pain scale
Haglund’s Deformity & Achilles tear
What type of jobs do some of yall pick up once you reach 100%?
VA app messages
Equifax mismatch
Foley placed in prostate
I will draw your dogs for the next 24 hours to see how many we can get done. Submit them below!
Does this mean I have free dental care for the rest of my life?
This patient had a right tooth infection starting a few days ago. Now with fever, hoarseness, and coughing up yellow sputum. Five images, with and without annotations so you can test yourself for fun. 😁 Explanation in my first comment.
Logging accident
I erroneously gave 1:1000 mg Epinephrine intravenously for anaphylaxis. Please help me understand the possible consequences of this.
Surgical techniques
What’s your “I can’t believe other people don’t do this” hack?
For the ones who make over $150k a year, what do you do to get that?