Hui reveals plans for a PENTAGON comeback between this year and early to mid 2026
EBS FM Night Radio (DJ: PENTAGON Wooseok) Feb 03-08 Schedule | Guests: VANNER Taehwan & Yeonggwang, poet Kim Bokhee, CIX, YUDABINBAND Yudabin, music critic Kim Youngdae (with feature on GOT7, IVE & Gfriend)
SBS Universe League - ULB EP.13: The last of 🏆 Universe League 🏆 that has been running hard 😭 Final Behind the Scenes (250203) [ENG SUB]
ONF - Good Night (Message from 91awdleH) [ENG SUB]
CREZL - KBS Open Concert Behind (250203)
PENTAGON Hui (Host: 2AM Jo Kwon) - Episode 9: Pentagon's Hui points and fights off rivals @ JOSHINHAGAE (250203) [ENG SUB]
BTOB - BTODAY #44: 2024 BTOB CONCERT 'Be Alright' Behind🎁 #2 (250203) [ENG SUB]
250131 PENTAGON Jinho - MAGAZINE HO #73: Sharon / Official髭男dism
250202 heyachi_studio Twitter Update with Hui
250202 PENTAGON Twitter Update with Hui
250202 Jinho - CREZL Official Twitter/X Update
250202 Wooseok Twitter/X Updates
250202 Kino Instagram Story Updates
250202 Kino Instragram Update
original songs from kpop survival shows that could pass as a title track
ONF - 2nd Full Album Part 1 'ONF:MY IDENTITY' (Intro Film)
250202 PENTAGON Wooseok - 심 for Fan | Official Clip
PENTAGON Wooseok - 심 (for Fans)
250131 rnus_arirangradio Instagram Update with Jinho (feat. CREZL and Samuel Seo)
250201 Hui's birthday letter to Wooseok during Wooseok's concert
250201 BTOB Changsub wearing Groove bracelet and singing Team Groove's 'Anywhere I'll be with you' & 'Only U' during his solo fansign in Taipei
250201 Wooseok Official Twitter/X Update
250131 Wooseok Twitter/X Update
250201 Kino Instagram Story Updates
PENTAGON Jinho - MAGAZINE HO #73: Sharon (orig. Official髭男dism)