2 Creeps in a gas station
Does surgery feel like 1 second after you go under anesthesia?
what's an uncurable condition/disease that can kill a patient within 8 months?
What was the worst thing a kid ever did at your school?
I dumped the Mac and cheese into boiling water and this piece of wood came out of the box too
AIO My husband was texting a wrong number scam.
My power went out tonight. How often (if at all) should I be agitating the water to keep oxygen up for her?
How to talk to inlaws about neglect
Someone dropped off a random wallet at my front door. What do I do?
Won't give reminders.
How to get my hard wired motion activated outdoor light to turn off?
Ìndigo is gone. My mom got rid of her.
Has anyone ever gotten one person who is admitted, suddenly have their accompanying person (spouse/ brother/ neighbor etc) need to be admitted also? If so what happened?
Help! My phone won't call/recieve calls. Phone company is no help.