Help-Frida windi
Induced labor?
I’m loosing my mind.
I’m loosing my freaking mind
Honestly if I was her I would’ve blown up that damn hospital.
The fact that Chef Jeff kissed Daphne the night he found out she was a high school student makes it even more sick
Emmet and Bay had the most toxic and disastrous relationship on the show.
How do you handle the not knowing between your 12 week ultrasound to your 20 week ultrasound.
Did you allow visitors in the hospital?
Is this normal
Help me please!
Meredith was wrong for that.
So I’m rewatching season 12 episode 12
My son's friend stinks
I just started season 12 and I'm 10 eps in and god I Hate this motherfucker he's like the new Shane
Anyone else think Christina from Greys anatomy is the best character.