Being dramatic
You are addicted
What is happening!!?
What is the song you’re currently stimming to?
Drop your BEST reason NOT to b/p!!!!
What can you do now being in a heavier body that you couldn’t do being “tHiN” and with an ED?
Kissing By The Strangers: Dnce & Dnce ft. Nicki Minaj [ravedj]
Tokyokyo: Leat'Eq & Subway Surfers - Topic [ravedj]
I Bumble Bee Your Boyfriend: Bambee - Topic & Hot Freaks [ravedj]
Meak My Heart: Meghan Trainor & Dua Lipa [ravedj]
Tell us your honest opinion about EKT
How hypocrite…
Secret anorexics - can the people around you tell?
Muscle loss is scary
Let’s list out all the goods we could have enjoyed if we are not in the hole or has recovered (:
Cant eat anything anymore
I’m never restricting that low ever again
Trying to eat more and failing
I feel like I’m getting worse but still feel invalid.
I dont need to eat ALL that
"sussybakaamogus69ss" spiting fax
Fav food b4 ed that you’d never eat now due to kcals/carbs etc
Can't eat around people