Autism is genuinely ruining my life
Can you be autistic and have good social skills?
#9 Most voted comment is "No screen time. All the plot relevance."!
#8 Most voted comment is "Just straight up evil."!
#4 Most voted comment is "The only normal person."!
What part about your trauma do you hate the most?
#3 Most voted comment is "The hot one"!
What helps you sleep?
How did I do?
What my top 5 fave character says about me?
Day 2 of posting the best cuts in the series
so tell me.. What does my top 5 say about me?
Tokyo Revengers has one #1 Most voted comment is "The Fan Favorite"!
Does anyone craves total emotional numbness?
58 years old and still affected by familial abandonment
Are you pissed of at all the healthcare institutions?
Is it weird to crave dissassociation?
what to do when you feel utterly alone
Totally burnt out
My parents make jokes about neglecting me
What do you want from friendships?
Read this and cried
Does anyone feels like you were left out of the sun?
Actually losing weight on .25
I realized why I do not look after myself in any way.