Do men avoid beautiful women in real life? 😭
Do the apprentice products actually make it in supermarkets?
My husband just gave me “the talk” about my weight
AIO I (28f), met this guy (37m) on a dating app and we spoke for about 3 days but I found a connection with someone else and he threatened me
What's something you did as a child because you didn't know any better that now you now feel bad about?
MIL wouldn't give my son to my husband
Husband doesn’t want to get up and feed baby in the middle of the night
Is it shallow not wanting to date someone short?
Dr. Champ was just INSUFFERABLE
Most effective way to strip paint off brick
I regret getting my Bachelor's in Psychology
Why can't men just put their stuff away themselves?
Good Lord, they think untreated mental illnesses and destroying your body make people smile
Moms who make breastfeeding their entire personality
Which Main Character do you resonate with the most?
“You’ll forget and want another”
Why does Diane say she’s so tired of squinting here and then go on to squint? Is she stupid?
What is one thing you wish they taught in antenatal class?
Stop complimenting weight loss! You're harming fat people
I am a 25 F and my partner is 27M and he wants to buy a house for his mum and family, while we are renting. Can you advise?
Does losing weight actually make people feel better?
Genuine question - why do you honestly think MILs always say “my baby”
When FAs say the preference for thinness/fitness is part of "western beauty standards," what non-western culture are they referring to which prefers fatness?
Family member held our baby then put their hands in his mouth