What was the funniest argument you’ve had with a beatles hater
Unpopular opinion: The version of “Strawberry Fields Forever” on the love album is the best version of the song
Hey whatever happened with Ade and the lesbian tennis instructor?
She won't even stay in there.
Would you still fuck a 200 pound girl
feeling wild tonight
I hate doing chores! I always end up naked and taking slutty pictures instead
Good evening and welcome to Slaggers. What’s an average song we love?
Indian sounds divide the base. How about a bad song we love?
Piggies wins by a slim margin. What’s an average song that divides the fanbase?
too big for a face ride?
What is your take on someone who doesn’t post anything on IG or don’t even have an account?
Ob La Di wins over the haters. What’s a bad song that we are divided on?
Anyone have an album from a relatively unknown band that's 10/10?
Looking to find non-hip hop artists
Would you play with me?
Hey, What do you think Hardest nirvana song to sing?
3/4 of Nirvana performing at the Fire Aid show in LA tonight.
What is the most obscure Beatles song you could argue for being your favorite?
Does anyone else feel like Magical Mystery Tour is underrated?
4 Nirvana songs in a row. Dave, Pat and Krist. Along with St. Vincent, Joan Jett, and Dave’s daughter (Violet Grohl) singing in place of Kurt… I’m speechless
What's up with almost all modern media making Zeus an angry old man who always has a frown on his ugly, wrinkled face?
Observation on "Yer Blues"
Unpopular opinion maybe, but I don't like the Kevin Finnerty/ coma episodes, anyone else?