It needs to be said, Hello Games desperately needs to focus on gameplay depth for the sake of No Man's Sky and Light No Fire.
Who does 30 fps vs 60 fps?
Crazy Shattered Glass Planet with floating rocks
Kami's Lookout
What’s your “I did not care for The Godfather” metal take?
1400 for this is crazy work
Has anyone ever seen this number of bases on one planet before?
Ugly variant competition
Spotifys shuffle option is completely broken and should be removed completely (blink 182 experiment)
I think our Capital planet might have broken a world record 👀
PS Plus winning streak continues with 8% player jump in August 2024
For moon knight does 0 count as even?
Whoever said you can buy scanner upgrades to make money i genuinely love you
Genuine question: How in the world is HG still in business?
Which card abilities do you believe should be swapped for thematic reasons?
Does YouTube have a throttling mechanism that refreshes every few hours?
5 Things the Game Doesn't Tell You
The Real Reason U.S. Agent will be Unplayable? The Bullets are Still in their Casings...
Beautiful Paradise Earth-Like | Naboo Base Showcase!
my first nanotank... is also my computer!
Fastest wat to get Minotaur on Freighter | Other Exocraft too!
What is the adult version of finding out that Santa Claus doesn't exist?
Welp, just dropped a video that got caught into the algorithm and it sent me up to 153 subscribers with 13k views on the video.
It's been 2 years since I did this but I will critique your videos and give a honest review.