H: Bos js W: Any Bobbleheads
H: Leaders W: FSA and USA masks
H: 20 leaders W: Any Epr with reflex , stock and auto barrel need now
H: 310 Nuka Cola + 310 Nuka Dark W: 60 Leaders for all
H: offers W: 250 US7 magazine
H: Leaders + junk W: FCJS, Red Asylum or LC
H: Leaders W: uncommon bobheads 5:1L
H: DC Mask/ Enclave Aligned Flamer Mod W: Bulk 2mm EMC Ammo
H: leaders W: Full set power armor (must have medic pump and Calibrated shocks)
H: 4star mods W: Mr fuzzy tokens , coffee , magazines(Gnb9-Tesla9, big gun bobble heads
H: Pinpointer W: 10 Crap 4★ mods
H: mods W: leaders, pin pointers or rejuvenators
H: G Mino W: Leaders, Furious, Heavy Hitters, and 3* Strength
H: leaders W: AAE gatling plasma
H: Fiend, demon, Brahmin W: 21 leaders for all 3
H: Scout masks W: 50 Leaders each
H: Usa + Fsa W: Bobbleheads (no leaders)
H: 5 Pinpointers , 5 Rangers, 5 Aegis , 5 Tankys, 5limits W: 200 Any Bobbleheads per mods
H: 3K Leader W: Apparel Offers no fasnacht!
H: Reflect W: Big guns
H: 400 3★ mods , 150 4★ W: Offers
H: x8 vipers mods w: big gun bobbles offer
H: 600BG, 10x high capacity back pack, 3uny, 6 strength *2, 4 strength*3 , 2 vat*3, 3 aegis, 7 bully, 2 limit , 4 miasma, 4 pin, 7 radio powered, 6 scanner, 4 viper w: offers
H:500 Canned coffee and 500 Sunshine oil W:offers
H: Leaders, glowing masks, maps W: Bunnabun