Which YouTuber got you feeling like this
Why did the transgender man only eat vegetables from the buffet ?
I have never used profanity on reddit
Stop blurring pedo's usernames and be aware
Stuff like this is genuinely disgusting and saddening
Guys🤔 what is that one thing?Fill in the blanks.
I'd KILL to watch this show again
Give me your best English meme
OP is 18!! still in 1st yr....... this wigga is 11yr old CS student
Which anime character are you reviving?
Most iconic Villain ( Share yours )
A sin ?
Name Game !!!
r/teenagers didn’t like my dank memez so I guess I’ll post them here 😂😂
Which one is your favorite among these ??
I was born into a Christian family, raised as a Christian, and currently pursuing my own journey as a Christian, yet I feel nonexistent.
what're y'all alarms called, and what's the song u use?
Is it ok for a guy to get nail polish?
I Learned A Lesson Today
Am I attractive be honest
Had to buzz cut due to thinning hair at 21. Shave my confidence away
Will I be accepted by this subreddit?