I’m trying to enjoy Yellowstone but I’m struggling because of the amount of horse noises there are.
Not really a question I just want the Americans who lurk in here to know:
Which one?
Replacement for Chicago screws?
Giving daughter same middle name as me?
Urinary incontinence - what pads are we using?
What baby name is going to be ridiculous as an adult name?
Feeding the family till autumn
Saw this and thought of yall! what are your thoughts?
Hydroponic Fodder for cows
Don’t forget to boycott Krispy Kreme.
What's something that's hot in books but repulsive in real life??
Should I go back and get this?
Liquor sales as a result of tariffs
Can I get a NOICE
Is it time to re-name Wayne Gretzky Drive?
help name this horse
Is Naming a kids pony "pony Boy Curtis" ...seriously weird?
Freedom....It must taste sweet
How many of you are doing sobriety COMPLETELY by yourself
Have you regretted having the second or third child?
I pooped myself on my run this morning
I’ve only drank twice in the last three weeks
Horse has a dirty move and it is affecting my confidence.
Our gorgeous filly is now three months old!
My [21 F] roommate and best friend [20 F] threw out my abortion pill and has generally gone insane. I have no idea what to do