Moving away from religious pressure.
Targeting non-seminary kids. Thoughts?
Text response, please advise
Hello all. Potentially joining LDS
I like the concept, but the church would never go for it.
You ever square anyone up?
How to respond to Missionary Brother
"Worthiness interview" prep.
MIL shenaningans (or how I caught my MIL in my underwear drawer)
Mormon teenagers are the WORST
One sentence to plant a seed of doubt in a TBM
I bet this resonates with many of you.
Back to Zion 😩🤢
Miracles happen.
Thoughts about my first beer.
If one of the 14 apostles decides the church is wrong and he wants to do as much damage as possible before leaving what would the move be?
TBM MIL won’t stop asking my little NOT Mormon family and it’s really starting to piss me off.
Last podcast on the left
14 yo son does not talk
14 and wanting to leave this fucking cult
Fellow Utahns, what is a core memory that only Utahns will understand?
Is anyone aware of swinger-type scandals involving active members in their past or current wards?
PIMO? How do you get thru church?
Extremely constipated help
Why did you choose your username? Is there a story behind it?