Undisclosed camera
Dirty house
Worst day ever WWYD
Nanny cam
When did HG show up for you?
What jobs can I do with a BA in psych?
Vomit safe foods?
Has anyone had a successful first pregnancy with no prior miscarriage?
How much weight did you lose about a week after?
Why did I feel judged nursing my 20 month old?
Any women who skipped Hyperemesis in a following pregnancy?
He doesn't feel up to going to the gender appointment
Why do we shame moms?
Plus size mom who needs advice to maintain my sanity
How many of you all are one and done because of HG?
I owe so many moms an apology.
Sex After C-Section
I refer to my daughter’s birth as “my surgery”
my alarm didn't go off this morning... and now i feel AWFUL
Newborn moms- do you avoid people that have just travelled internationally?
What you were told VS reality
Having HG traumatized me
Help with discussion points for a mother who thinks one year old baby is “too old” to breastfeed and condescendingly shares that with me under guise of “loving advice.”
Feeling guilty over screentime while sick
Am I just not cut out to be a nanny?