Convince me to keep/sell my OB6
What’s wrong with by OB-6?
The Moog Source is one of the best sounding synths, ever.
My Daughter Texted on the Way Homefrom School During a Snowstorm
My besties new tat turned into my favorite drinking game.. what is it??
Triangle Shaped UAP / UFO spotted in Atlanta
Expecting Salt-Less Fries through Fast Food Drive-Thru
Before You Buy That Synth, Consider This...
Abusive husband gets mad at his wife because she was speaking to the black family next to them
Let’s say you have $1,000 (before tax) and want an analog synth. What are you buying?
Soldier claims that we are launching the drones and that the orbs are the “aliens”. He says that in 2025 there will be a lot more truth exposed
Got this bad boy for only 90 bucks
New to synths. I need a synth that's affordable and a physical synth.
Tip from military friend who has friends in intelligence
I don’t think so DD!!
A tip from a military friend who has contacts in the intelligence community.
UAP blows up after emmiting several orbs
Since people keep referencing it while talking about these drones, I've transcribed the entire old 4chan leaker thread into text so it's easier to read through.
What is this?
The final night.
UAP - Washington DC
Looking for budget synthesizer
Violet vs Scarlett - who's worth it?
The Whole Orb Video from the ABC Report
Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas says they cannot shoot the New Jersey drones out the sky and claims they are likely purchased from convenience stores.