Plea for more starter ship paints ( aurora/mustang )
This SaltEMike Video Sums Up What's Wrong With CIG So Well
Tail Tidy Illegal?
Thor Pirate Software's View on Star Citizen's Exploitative Consumer Practices
What's your favourite FPS weapon that ISN'T a LMG?
Possible Zeus tease from the monthly report.
The RSI mantis
Port Olisar vs Port Tressler - Side by Side Comparison - Spawn to Take Off in Arrow
Mening, is dit seksule intimidatie of een overdreven reactie?
I made a poster for MicroTech with a friend. What do you think?
How can CIG give the Antares the love it needs?
What is the current thing that future generations will say "I can't believe they used to do that"?
[Leak] New Concept Heavy Fighter. Name unknown.
The San'Tok.yai is viable and useful.
I don’t understand Roberts apologists?
[ Removed by Reddit ]
I can't justify playing this game anymore. Watch the video.
0 visibility
Luminalia Starter Pack
Direct Messages from Star Citizen Shills
2020: year the world stood still
School denies me my prescription. I told them I wanted to call a parent. Little did they know...
CIG and it's marketing business
Why do they lie so much about this subreddit?
What’s the minimum amount of money that could solve 90% of all your problems right now?