Got my first run win
Anyone thinking we EVER get a New Summoning Mechanic for the Normal Game?
In Howard the Duck (1986) we see duck titties for the first time on the big screen. This is because Cocaine is a hell of a drug.
Best Sonic the hedgehog fan comics?
Why playing with items is worth it
Any weapons that make combat less tedious
Exit stage right!
To the devs: Can this be for regular multiplayer as well? cause that would be a step on the right direction..
Please release the 'Consoles Only' option outside of ranked play as well. I'm begging you
I hope "For fun" & "For Glory" is in the next smash (if there is one...)
Is it an unpopular opinion to actually really like and have fun with Bo6?
What CoD is like right now
If you could have any monster as your pet from the mh franchise who would it be(palico and dog from rise included.)
How come players always care about killing each other than painting the floor?...
Menu click noise
why the fuck am I only allowed to have like one or two good games?
What the hell is this man doing
This MF...
just pure bad luck....
i know its part of the Tutorial but this made me laugh so hard..
Bro what is this matchmaking??
It’s a game, not a sim. Stop complaining about skins etc
CoD community in a nutshell..
Omni movement would have fine if the crosshairs didn't dissappear everytime
What literal object are these “War Cry” field upgrade items?