Alright Arabs and YugioSlabs which is more based? (Loser becomes W*stoid)
Karaboga Bot Follows me
Came across this
Ban all the plastic surgeons that prey on insecurity.
Gayreek Civilization is Made by Kurds 🫏
Absolute calmest Turkish kids show
this is better
vlad the İNHALER
I found the sprites of all the spider party members if anyone cares
Me every time i eat a jerky in real life: ... *mumbling +300 hp*
Who let Serbs into game design?
Which one are you most LISA: The Hyped for?
Me when roland "accidentally" killed augustus: WAIT NO. NO NO NO MY HEALING
The saddest part in all of lisa games.
I just finished LISA: the painful. It’s an atrocious act of torment and I’m all for it; but now what?
Got my Lisa Vinyl soundtrack.. Sadly one corner is pretty bent
Does Birdie got nerfed on definitive edition? I never played Lisa before the definitive edition and I though that Birdie gasoline split cost a lot. Even Crisp has a technique that oil up the opponent and does damage So which one is better?
rip derf pigtails
Who did it better?
What do you think happened to the renaming rando army after (spoiler)
Who would be the guy that Hart would not expect to see atop the mountain and considers to be a dickhead
WHY tf does Vega van Dam exist? What's going on with that guy as a character?
Does anyone have any hcs about what the party members would sound like?
One question if you had to change one thing about the game what would you do