It's been two years since I committed suicide and shit hasn't changed much, it some how has gotten worse.
“To the women of Reddit, would you be comfortable dating a guy who has been with 3+ women in the past?
Relapsed after one month of being clean, it doesn't hurt anymore, gotta visit the doctor after few days to remove my stitches.
This cutu won't lemme pray. Should I let her disturb me?
Lost my maternal grandpa on 7th Feb and my paternal grandma is ill and my father said she won't survive. And these things with my fucker up mental health is just taking a toll on me.
Going through a bad anxiety and have extreme symptoms. Planning to consult a doctor again.
Mastectomy at 25
Hello singles! how did you get into a relationship through Reddit? I am 21m
Really bad anxiety attack.
I 21F can not put my fingers inside my vagina and I'm scared I might have really bad vaginismus.
Bipolar has ruined my life. And my parents don't take me seriously.
What are some of the best tv series with lots of sex and nudity involved?
What do you think about sex only after marriage?
Women want tall guys, while themselves are short, what if their sons take their height?
Do looks really matter in deciding future spouse ,people keep telling me (30m) that she(30f) not good enough for me.kindly opine
Women who got diagnosed with PCOS what symptoms preceded your diagnosis?
urdu is not even a language. lol
OP jaegi 1300 km doorrr AIATS dene 🤡
22 F. I don't want to have sex before marriage.
Soo freaking accurate
I am 20M and I'm insecure about my height in my present relationship need help
What are the worst medical diseases or conditions that a human being could ever have?
Why he kinda 👉👈
Has anybody from a different cultural background married into bihari family?
A Brahmin girl commits suicide because her father couldn't afford her education.