The reason so many young men are less handy than their fathers isn’t because they’re lazy, it’s because modern things are less fixable.
Is it an ADHD thing to “only need” 5 hours of sleep?
Anyone else get overstimulated with wearing bras??
Emailed College Disability services: they’re email doesn’t exist
Just a question
Does ADHD effect the way you perceive money?
People who are literally always late, why?
Are courses targeted at taking care of someone good for learning social clues?
When you think of your parents, are you in the "I want to be like them" or in the "I try to be the opposite of them" category?
Why did the puppet give life to the children?
People With Autism Are More Likely to Identify as Asexual. Why?
What’s your controversial crochet opinion?
"Stop watching videos on adhd and autism they're bad for you"
How do American citizens feel about how the US looks to the rest of the world?
Getting annoyed at unearned grades?
NT people expect you to lie??
Vibrations being overstimulating?
AITA for getting fully naked in a public changing room?
Why are many people with aspergers on the internet so pedantic about having a diagnosis?
Do you imitate sounds?
Didn't people smell in the past?
Do any of you manipulate people?
How to stop eating after being full?
AITA for getting my girlfriend a birthday gift she hates?
At what age you started masturbating and are you sexual or asexual?