BUG: Audio continues to play even when i change channel
I feeling like I'm raging inside this week. Why???
Oregano.. wtf
Will a RT job’s health insurance cover my child’s pre existing condition?
Herbs for anxiety/panic/PTSD?
Grey bark, yellow inside. Bitter. Doesn't taste like any culinary spice. Purchased in Morocco. What might that be?
quick rant
What are my chances of getting into the Fall 2025 nursing program?
I was supposed to start my nursing program this week but couldn’t :/ bittersweet, but optimistic.
First time natural supplement for insomnia
Can a person who has lived with his parents his whole life live alone in college far from his home having no school friends there??
Perimenopause and all the things - what medicines are helping?
Quit toxic floor without a backup?
Am I the only one who feels this way?
Nursing career dillema
Thoughts on taking prerequisites online through Portage?
What’s everyone doing to stay productive after finals?
Is this a lot for one semester of a nursing program at my community college?
College does not cost the same in different states
Which class to choose?
Travel nursing while getting MSN