Did anyone else see it said around 800k earlier for legend? Not sure if my game bugged and leaked it or if was just a general bug?
Trading for Wishlist only
Your player level?
Just need Hamm, I can give one if these. PM me
When madfut 25 will be in Android
Ios full release download link
I have traded up to 300 million
When will the new gane release on android
Thanks for your feedback!
The game needs to be optimized urgently, I don't have many leagues, but I wait 5 minutes every offseason.
I'm the only one who now only gets weak players in random search
what does Fixed Pivot Forward goal balance mean, someone explain
Close to a year since update…
Dear developers, if you abandoned the game and don’t want to deal with it, then sell it to someone who can continue to please us with this wonderful game.
What a update this game
Is getting high potential players luck based or does it matter what ovr your scouts are?
new content?