Looking to buy an artsy camera strap for a gift. Any local shops that carry them?
What’s the weirdest place you’ve ever fallen asleep?
Patricia Arquette is bad at acting.
What is something your father said to you that you will never forget?
Favorite Alcoholic Drink.
Most mundane thing you've enjoyed while travelling?
Suggestions for CBT / DBT workbooks that play nicely with ADHD?
Is there a better word than private to describe someone who likes to keep work separate from home life, doesn’t prefer to open up, doesn’t prefer to share personal details?
Chiropractor told me he wants me to have kids.
restaurant recommendations for celiac?
People who call me "love," "hun," "lovebug," etc.
What is that one movie that comes to your mind when you see or hear the word "childhood"?
Hydrolyzed Protein Diet - which is best?
Suggestions for a movie that will stump my husband.
More people should wear shoes less
I found the link for the free discord patterns!!! Hurry before mods remove!!
Where do people sell their stuff online nowadays?
It Was the Big One. Just Not the One L.A. Was Expecting.
What unhinged thing have you done in the name of knitting?
Breakfast in bed is disgusting
Who is the Greatest Black Female Singer of All Time Based on Their Lyrics,Singing and Why?
Why are people so worried about how much we leave our house?
That no one seems to know what the hell semi-colons are for
What's your "hell no" rule in life?
I see you and I love you