What’s the most “normal” thing that feels suspiciously illegal when you do it?
What’s your experience with the property ladder
How to keep deferred B4 offer without jeapordising first offer? Will ICAEW expose me?
🇬🇧Any advice is appreciated- Buying a Leasehold Flat in London as a First-Time Buyer- Thanks in advance!
Colindale - New build property - Thoughts?
Just accepted an offer on my house, what am I looking for in a solicitor?
Colindale, London, flat to live?
What will occur during pre-op appointment? What questions should I ask? (NHS)
Tell me about a technology related project that you enjoyed and why?
Amazon Business Development Graduate Salary
which movie have you watched more than 5 times and its still good ?
What cryptocurrency has disappointed you the most since you've been in the crypto world?
How many cups of tea do you have a day?
Vincent 4.5s Right Ear no Audio
Is there a problem with Brave and Windows 11?
Balenciaga Campaign hoodie from CloyAd
[QC] Balenciaga Campaign Hoodie from Cloyad. Any thoughts ? GL or RL?
[LCQC] Balenciaga Campaign Hoodie from CloyAD. Thoughts ? GL or RL?
[W2C] Any sellers with spell-out 1/4 zip fleeces?
What are your worst performing crypto? Lets start the anti-shillings
W2C Green Burberry Sweatshirt, link has no M-XL https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=657393623849&spm=1101.1101.N.N.a10986d
What's one thing you wish the UK had?
(WTC) Louis Vuitton work shirt
What is something common that has never happened to you?