Another flag for Asia (Updated)
France in EU4
A flag for my dream country
Another flag for Asia
Bots vs real players
Ah yes Paris, birthplace of protestanism
Literally unplayable
Very new player here, just learned how to castle and made a account. How do I improve?
Why on earth would i accept this??
Does this count as antimeme? I've read the rules and I don't know if this one counts
When Someone Posts ‘Normal Chess, But Bigger and Thinks Its a Variant
Change goverment type
(s)b(e)ve isnt about letters randomly being colored for no reason, this is getting e(x)tremley stupid, sbeve is about letters that are differently colored/highlighted to show a hidden message
Is there a way to rename regions in eu4
I have 1+1=3 Missionaries
Are there any players left in Southeast Asia?
Was a territory ever expelled?
granada is not impossible (thx 4 the tips)
If you were a ruler in eu4, what would be your monarch points?
Try it if you don't believe it
That's a IDF soldier from a prisoner exchange by the way.
My first s*x tape
Is this ok for a beginner? This is my 3rd run in the game.
"Chess is Not Haram"