How many gay guys do you encounter in real life on a scale of 1-10, with 1 being almost non existent and 10 being extremely common?
How tall is everyone here?
Are gay men honestly rare?
Why is society more tolerant of gay men and bisexual women but significantly less in regards to bisexual men and gay women/lesbians?
Are African Americans more likely to have ancestry from coastal regions of Africa (Guinea Bissau, Sierra Leone, Ghana, Nigeria Congo e.t.c....) or do they also have ancestry from more inland regions (Mali and Burkina Faso)?
Why do west Algerians get along with Moroccans much better than east and even central Algerians?
How many lesbians do you know in real life?
What is the underlying/main cause for lesbianism being such a rare sexuality?
If the stigma around lesbianism/lesbians decreased or was limited, would the number of women identifying as gay increase, or would it stay the same?
Does dating and relationships get easier as an older lesbian?
Are lesbians/lesbianism really the rarest sexual orientation after asexuality, or are there more lesbians out there?
As a Lesbian, what would you say is the biggest difference(s) between your community and gay males when it comes to dating and relationships?
Have any gay, lesbian or bisexual Somalis ever been in an interracial relationship?
Would Darfur have been better off if it had joined Chad?
Thoughts on Mali?
As a Lesbian/Queer Woman, do you come across more Lesbians/Gay Women or Gay Men?
Thoughts on Senegal? How do people in your country see it/think of it?
Which Country/Nation do Egyptians feel closest to other than their own?
How common are Asian Barbz?
What do Arabs, North Africans and Middle easterners in general think of Black American singers like Whitney Houston and Tupac Shakur, aswell as Black American music and art (Hip-hop, R&B Funk e.t.c.....)?
Will America remove Syria from the list of the State sponsors of terrorism once the rebels win this war?
Thoughts on the most similar countries to Morocco?
How come Chleuh's and Chechens have similar values/beliefs?
Why are there far more Bisexual women compared to gay women and to a lesser extent gay and bisexual men?
What do Libyans think of Yemen and Yemeni People?