Inspired by the new releases to paint up some of my 1993 vintage Eldar models
Old army brought out from storage.
When are these gonna stop falling?
Accidents happen
I don’t have a tv and don’t watch series or films
What’s an unspoken rule in Australia that outsiders wouldn’t know?
AIO My bf hurt me then apologising and promising not to do it again?
Two more brothers for the Deathwing
Really pushed myself on this boy
Heretical or Loyal? You decide
AdMech Tech Priest Dominus
Latest project
I just finished my first space marine. I made a dark angel, my father and I made it together.
What are some ways you've been Kunnin' but Brutal
How to krump a C'Tan
Asmodai, Master of Repentance and Interrogator Chaplain
First Ork Model
Deathwing Terminator
We’re here to chew gum and kill heretics. And we’re all out of gum.
What is this on the ork lootas gun? Lazar or shoota?
I bought a dozen of eggs last night just to realize one was missing this morning
This particular phrasing?
Would a Terminator heavy/Deathwing army be viable?
At this point I don't even want to cut anything