Lace with glue hairline feedback
New GYH System Install
FIRE Advice
Steam room / front peeling off
Working out and Showering
Finally conquered how to maintain the HAIR on a hair system
Aer TP3 Ultra - Frontier Airlines
What do you think of attaching hair system like this..?
Why have a lace hairline if you use tape? Why not just poly at that point?
After trying out multiple system bases I think this is the best style.
First system. Please critique. I have many doubts.
Buy in Bulk or as-needed
For Sale: Lavivid Sanders (80%) 8.5x6.5 #1B
D8 Visa (DNV) and paying social security as an American W-2 Employee
Wow look at that - Bernie Sanders is right yet again
Want a Lavivid System Cheaper? Here's my Pricing List If You Order Through Me:
How to get the softness (fresh out of box)
Sauna/steam room question
How to use C22 for removing tape ?
Osprey Daylite 26+6 back in stock on Amazon! Just ordered one to Canada.
New install switched it to .06 I’m so active and sweat a lot stylist said it’s more durable. I don’t know how I wore lace after wearing this. Not hot not itchy feels like nothing is on.
I am so lost
Positive for SIBO after Japan trip. Is this my life now?!
Reoccurrence of symptoms
I tried Goodyard hair