A Russian solider feeds polar bears condensed milk (1950)
The last video game you played is now your sex life. What is it? / I know where this is going…
The last video game you played is now your sex life. What is it?
M16 with aiming level 1. Chance to damage is a massive change.
Female video game characters from different places
You all talk about Bae'zel, now it's time for Bald,zel
[Fem V] 'Sigrun' Victories secret is dressing up.
Finally updated my game and hopped into photomode. This picture will remain above my bed forever. I miss ya, Jack :(
Пассажир с мачете напал на людей в поезде «Томск — Адлер». 67-летний мужик решил, что купе — его личные хоромы, и потребовал от соседей выйти. Те отказались, и дед пошёл в атаку с мачете.
What’s your favorite horror game?
Только что закончилась самая кровавая война в истории, которую развязали игроки Foxhole – ММО про Вторую Мировую. Кровопролитие смог остановить только сам разработчик. По порядку:
Uldaryk's Gaurds
Why yes I broke my foot and am now stuck at the base waiting for it to heal. How could you tell?
Что он увидел 😟
Check out the update of my mod “U.S. M113 APC by Papa_Chad”
Та самая нейронка которая уложила чатгпт
It's real ?
Me irl
I took this nonchalantly but it just stuck with me as a sad pre heist memory.
Why so friend-shaped?
Are there any good recommended character/clothes mods? This is the best I could do with the mods I found, but it isn't much.