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Top 10 Actors and Actresses with The Most Juice Right Now
What actor or actress are you absolutely confident will win an Oscar one day?
Which 21st century film actors and actresses will continue make an impact on the culture when it comes to performances like the 20th century performers did?
A follow-up to my ? on best casting decisions. What actors are so good, that casting them is always a win? So good, that there is no decision involved?
Austin Butler got the looks of Brad Pitt with acting chops of Dicaprio or Bale
How many newage Actors/Tresses can actually pull off multiple characters?
THE BOY AND THE HERON | Official English Trailer
Send an actor back In time
Put any actor in a time machine
Who are the A-list, bankable actresses right now?
No Little India?
Best actors working today
Most overrated actors today
Here is my actor tier list based on acting talent not movies, what are your biggest agreements/disagreements?
I'm in my mid 30s and grow up with Willis, Di Caprio, Cruise, Pitt and alike. Any movie form them is a joy to watch. Will I ever feel the same with the next generation of actors?
What was aperformance that made you realize 'wow, this is good acting?'
It's Rain, there is a song by Prince 🟪 called "Vicki Waiting " that talks about Vicki calling.
Who do you think will be the least played characters?
Name three characters you guys want to absolutely be in the next MK game
What is a director/actor-actress team up you would like to see in a movie?
Most overlooked actors
Most underrated actors