Virtual Boy!
Question about replacement parts
What "Severe Weather" ?
Something seems off about the new Game Grumps episode...
Neighborhood solicitation for roofing work
Me watching an orphaned child run away from the safety of my arms and towards 3 dogs (it’s the 7th time this run)
Decent snowman
Should I prepare in case of a power outage on Friday?
Gonna make you come tonight… over to my house
Mint tin solo games (Tin helm, tin realm, gate, gates,cursed?!, dustrunner)
What's your "modern" comfort horror movie?
Anyone else love collecting these sticker books as a kid ?
Yes, I'm American, how could you tell? (Also, the Star and Witness are full auto 12g chamber chiseled with zero recoil doing about 2k damage per shot. It's as fun as it sounds.)
1/8 Hudson Hornet
Progress so far of my winter project
It’s been a little over 25 years since Felicity cut her hair, what are your thoughts on this scene now?
In one of the most infamous moments in all of 90s TV, Felicity cuts her hair (Felicity - Season 2, Episode 2; "The List")
Lewis Street Craft Fair
Received this small thing yesterday, and already having a blast creating obstacles from scrap
Did some of you really inject oranges with vodka and take them to school or was that an urban legend I heard?
Really, PF Changs?
Putting ads in the middle of the video is gross (rule 7: criticism is allowed)
Very happy with my first paint job!