Which Azur Lane song is this for you?
Secretos familiares
Graf Spee recommendations?
What are the oldest shipgirls of each faction?
Is Anshan worth it?
If you had to choose one member of Dragon Empery to live with you, who would it be?
Happy Launch Day ROCS Hai Chi (1898)
Can someone help me to find what aircraft carrier is this? (720x416)
So a question about using those CyberCents
IRL Shipgirl of the day #624-HIQMS Hai Yung
New Fu Shun retrofit
Dragon Empery "Hai Yung" announced!
IRL Shipgirl of the day #623-ROC Chen Wu
Kurfürst coat of arms?
Dragon Empery "Fu Po" announced!
New Heavy Cruiser: Chien Wu
Fushun tips?
CNY is coming soon, guessing new CN ship time! (Hai-Yung class, protected cruiser)
What shipgirls can have a retrofit?
Best (non event) US battleship commander?
Golpes de estado en Latinoamerica desde 1900 ¿Todo bien en casa bolivianos?
Ola gringuito, aceitas uma pupunha?