Anyone ever ordered a vinyl off amazon and got sent the wrong one? It just happened to me.
I just got a piano. All I want to do is learn songs that I like, but I think I should start slow and then learn as I go.
I've started listening to The Alchemist in the past few months, and I gotta say, his work is impressive, really original. I'd like to know what you think his best ones are.
I saw dollar menu at my local record store for $10. Isn’t it like $400 on Mach’s website? I didn’t get it.
I want to get into Fate, but I'm not sure how.
I want to start collecting records but I don’t know where to start.
What we thinking?
Starry night help
Curly hair help
Which Kdot song do you think is overrated?
Best Mach Hommy album
Chiney Brush, Baas Key Yacht, xxxxxx, and Quartz Movement have to be some of the best beats I have ever heard.
What are the kids listening to?
Wifi problems after dusting off my pc.
Stove God Cooks hot take
Hate me if you want but Stove God Cooks has such an annoying voice and ruins every song he’s on
Why is my wifi so different from my phone?
Error code 0xC0000005 (0) N
My screen randomly goes black forever. Java 1.20.1 forge
Bad fps all of a sudden. I used to get around 150 but now I get around 70-90. Rtx 3060, i3-10100. Anyone else have this problem and find a fi?
How can I make is so that my action button just silences my phone ringer, without silencing alerts and notifications. iPhone 16 pro
Algorithm showed me this last week
F*ck the bars, what song has the best of Mach's melodies?
Rap recommendations?
Luh hertz