Foundation suggestions...
If you don't mind sharing - What would you consider the biggest mistake of your life?
Ski house retirement - thoughts?
Women Friends Overly Critical as they Age?
What's a food people don't make anymore?
🆘 Need an appetite suppressant
Any hacks to reduce elevated cholesterol without statins?
Women who are always mistaken for being younger than their age, what's your secret?
Would you buy a house an hour away from your work?
AITA - Rich Parents
What part of your body makes you feel aging.
Choosing LCOL City for Early Retirement
Cozy hobbies?
Which sitcom has had a reputation where cast got along or cast did not get along?
Free, quick and effective fix for turkey neck!
Movies that are peaceful with almost no tension
What's the one "secret ingredient" you swear by that instantly elevates any dish?
How long before mindset changes?
What is the most asinine or incorrect red-line you’ve gotten back from OC or your supervisor?
So I only “number 2” every 3 to 5 business days…
You can go back in time and meet your 18-year-old self, but you’re only allowed to say 3 words about investing. What do you say?
What movie (from any era) absolutely blew your mind when you first saw it?
What’s a catchphrase or slang from the 80s/90s that you still use or want to bring back?
How are beans so good for you when so little has so many carbs?
Do old people get cold more easily?