Achieved 60K healing (my most ever) in a comp match today and tbh we did pretty well but other team was really great. Not even mad at losing because matches like this give me the adrenaline needed
Achieved 60K~ healing in a comp nattch today, my most. Ngl kinda proud of myself since my previous max was 40k~
Had a ranked game that was so fun but sweaty and all of us congratulated the opponents. We won but it was a tough win, this is the kinda moments I love this game for
Giveaway: Any Game on Steam (1x up to $100)
Every damn time I do the college of winterhold questline, I enjoy taking this guy out so much omg
Is starfield Worth playing in 2025
Giving away 1 Steam game of your choice! (up to 100$ max)
I dont like the Hunter as a villain. If you had your choice who would you choose to be the ultimate villain of Starfield and why?
"So you like DS2?" "Yes" "It must be good then" "Nah, it's mid. I just love the vibes"
Started a second playthrough and came back to the game after all the updates :), loving the game, I absolutely love, love the story and the main conflicts between Starborn
When will the violence in the realm of shadow ever end😞
Who's this guy ??
Who was your FIRST Skyrim character, and how did you play them?
Giveaway: Any Game on Steam (2x up to $100)
Healer Main and I'm Exhausted already..
Pick a game, any game (redo)
What is our lord Mohg doing in Rivals, he in the wrong universe😭‼️
Question regarding the removal of destined death, the Shattering and NPCs.
Just wanted to share that I got my first Lord with Luna !! I mostly main strategists only (Luna, Mantis, Rocket) :D
Looking to gift someone a game for $100 or less
Comp games are way too toxic sometimes
You know the rules, and so do i.
I was locked tf in (we actually won)
Who's the hardest for you between these three peak fights? Rank them.
Players Choice