What Was Your Honest Opinion on The Last Episode?
Curious to know your couple opinions...
I just need it to be known, that whenever I see a TikTok from this trend, I read the second slide in my head as Papa Meat doing a bad English accent
Early Simpsons makes me feel cozy 😌
Anyone remember getting Pokemon Tazos in crisp packets?
Early 90's Simpsons makes me feel cozy 😌
Anyone remember getting Tazos in Crisp packets?
On my first full watch through and Eugene is my favourite character
Next Episode Discussion Thread: CreepCast/ CreepTV
Would you though?
Tiger Lily and the Blue Fairy messed up big time.
SCP Creep Cast episode idea...
Been a while
I'm adding these two to the 90 day nightmare blunt rotation
It’s me Andy, the MTG COD Proxy Guy.
COD: Zombies MTG Cards
Who is it?
CreepCast: I’m A Cop & I Keep Getting Called To The Same House (OFFICIAL DISCUSSION THREAD)
Pretty much my experience…
Horror Novel Recommendations?
What were you hoping from the ending of today's story?
Bad parents?
Season 6 rewatch
Cora was the real problem..
This was a perfect ending. I'm glad they didn't shy away from the seriousness of the subject matter and time period despite being a comedy. I noticed even Blackadder was nicer to his comrades and wasn't his usual sarcastic self