For what amount of money would you completely walk away from the love of your life and never speak to them again ?
can someone point me to a more leftist asian american sub?
How did you pass the time in church as a kid?
Which states have been eliminated, and for what reasons...
Are any Atheists Trump supporters?
I feel sad for not having a culture, anyone feels the same?
Whats the deal with Luka Doncic being traded to the lakers?
I just want to know, why are so many women into this?
Does a receiver still need to "survive the ground" like the Jessie James Steelers catch vs Patriots 7 years ago?
How hard is it to get a 2 point conversion compared to a XP
How do I break free of the notion that God is spying on me and making bad things happen when I do something bad?
How much insurance coverage do you need and why?
Maybe a crazy question
Girlfriend (29F) may have Huntington's Disease. I (35M) think she should get tested for it, but she doesn't want to. How should we compromise?
if you had to forget one of your skills which one would it be and why?
My friends were on the DCA flight. Did they know what was happening?
I'd like to hear your stories about how the Trump Administration has effected you personally.
What is the biggest theory that you believe is completely true?
What’s one thing your parents did that you passionately won’t?
Asians, over in the US Trump is causing a lot of homophobia to rise, in Asia, has the President/Prime Minister of your country caused homophobia to rise?
What is your excuse for not yet ruling the world with an iron fist at your age?
Why does the USA refrain from intervening in a war against Russia for fear of Russia's nukes, but has no fear of intervening in a war against China even though China also has nukes?
If you had a warning label attached to you, what would it say?
People who are “people pleasers” how did you overcome the need to please everyone?
I am curious, what obscure advantages of working from home might not be obvious to those who do not work from home?