Got this error every time when trying to record tracks on my MZ-N505 with Web MiniDisc Pro (Standard Web MiniDisc works perfectly fine)
Jumping squirrel B&W
Got this deal about 1 and half years ago for $40 fully working. Do you think that was a good deal?
Do you like my hamster guys?
Anyone has good tune for EG6 civic for otsuki?
Any info on Lil Bay?
Is 5:46.792 (Ford GT700) good time in Midnight Marathon on Tokyo Bay City?
Should I sell my GT700 or Hellcat to buy an LFA?
Today my dream finally came true, I bought a Boss DR-660..
What is the hardest car to drive in MR:T
Synth bass 😤😤
Guys where do you pee?
Any info on X-Rated Al?
What’s the name of this song that plays in DJ Sound’s car?
Як ваш понеділок?
Everyone’s dream who into memphis rap..
frayser click-back 2 da dope track
Hear me out.....
Pro tip: if you want to use MiDi connected DR-660 with it’s native sounds in your daw, but don’t want to spend money on audio interface. You can just download DR-660’s drum kit for daw and use it as midi controller with it’s native sounds
Nothing starts with N and ends with g
How can i get a really bassy 808/909 kick on the Boss DR-5?
Saw this big ass possum this morning on my backyard
Bought USB MiDi cable for my Casio keyboard 💪🏼💪🏼